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Adventures in the Woods

Why nature? Why now?

As a committed environmentalist and nature enthusiast, including outdoor learning in my 3 daughters’ education was second nature to me. I’m certain that my kids’ substantial nature-based learning was instrumental in making them the strong, independent, creative, compassionate and capable young women they are today. I also know an important building block of resilient and clear-thinking adults, is a limited screen time childhood. Those of us who’ve been fighting the powerful cultural current of a largely, indoor and technologized childhood, are now being hit by a digital tsunami which is crashing over our families in a way that Richard Louv, author of Last Child In The Woods, couldn’t have dreamed. Right now, in this moment, saving our children from nature-deficit-disorder, IS our greatest challenge as parents. ForestKids hopes to help you meet that challenge.

Learn more on our Programs page

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